Monday, 23 December 2013

The final new books list...

...for 2013 is now available. View all the books added to the library over the past month for the School of Psychology from this link: December 2013 new books list.

New additions in December included two books by the School of Psychology's very own Ho Law. There was a 2nd edition of his popular text, 'Psychology of coaching, mentoring and learning', plus a brand new title, 'Coaching psychology: a practitioner's manual'. We also acquired an e-book version of 'The career coaching handbook' by another School of Psychology academic, Julia Yates.

For the full list of new titles follow the link above. All new books, including e-books, can be found using Library Search.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

New videos on PEP Web...

...have been added in the past week, including one commemorating 100 years of the IPA (International Psychoanalytic Association). Perhaps most interestingly, the video opens with Sigmund Freud speaking (in English). So if you've ever wonder what the great man looks and sounds like, then this is an opportunity to find out...

PEP Web, with its considerable quantity of full-text psychoanalytic literature (including the complete works of Freud) can be accessed via its link on the library website: PEP Web.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

New books added in November...

..can now be viewed, using this link: November 2013 new books list. It contains all items purchased by the library for the School of Psychology over the past month.

Quite a few brand new titles this month, including various new child psychology books such as "Psychodynamic counselling with children and young people" by Kegerreis and "Winnicott's children" by Horne. There's also a brand new third edition of Darren Langdridge's "Introduction to research methods and data analysis", which we have in both print and e-book versions.

All titles, including e-books, can be located using Library Search.