Thursday, 31 January 2013

APA Style quick guide...

…free online, is now available from the APA: It isn't a complete guide (they expect you to purchase (or borrow from the library!) the official Publication Manual for that), but it does nicely supplement some of the other great online guides. It also features recommendations for a few reference types which were not included in the official Publication Manual e.g. how to reference Facebook and Twitter.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

New version of PEP database... available from the library website: PEP (Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing). The new version now includes an extra year of coverage (1871-2008, compared to 1871-2007 in the previous version) for all journals, plus five new journals, twelve new books and various new features.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

New books in Stratford library...

...added to stock during December 2012 can be viewed from this link: December 2012 new books list. Please note that it only lists items purchased for the School of Psychology.

There were quite a few new titles added to stock last month, alongside various new editions and additional copies of popular texts. These new titles include Alan Carr's "Handbook of adult clinical psychology", Peter Clough's "Developing mental toughness", Atle Dyregrov's "Grief in children (2nd edn.)" and a couple of Oxford handbooks: "Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work" and "Oxford handbook of organizational well-being". New editions added to stock in December include the long-awaited 2nd edition of Eric Emerson's "Clinical psychology and people with intellectual disabilities", the 5th edition of Muriel Lezak's "Neuropsychological assessment" and the 8th edition of Goldenberg's "Family therapy: an overview".

All our books, including e-books, can be found using Library Search.