Friday, 30 November 2012

Logging in to ScienceDirect...

...changes slightly from 1st December 2012. You will still need your Athens username and password, but there will be a slight change to when you sign in. More information is available on ScienceDirect's news page: Athens now OpenAthens.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

PLOS One...

… is an open-access (i.e. free) peer-reviewed (i.e. high quality) online journal with a huge range of coverage across various scientific and health-related topics, including many relevant not only to clinical psychology, but also other psychological disciplines. The number of articles it has is incredible. To have a look yourself, follow this link: PLOS One. Thank you to the student who directed me towards it!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Searching other libraries... London and the South East has just got a lot easier with the launch of Search25. It lets you search across nearly 60 different university and research libraries in the region to quickly see who holds the book you are looking for. To then visit the library, you will need a SCONUL Access card from us before you visit:

Thursday, 1 November 2012

New psychology books in Stratford library...

...added to stock during October 2012 can be viewed from this link: October 2012 new books list. Please note that it only lists items purchased for the School of Psychology.

New books this month include Stephen Frosh's "A brief introduction to psychoanalytic theory", Todd May's "Death", Peter Lunt's book about Stanley Milgram, "Stanley Milgram: understanding obedience and its implications" and Claudia Hammond's popular psychology book "Time Warped". We also have new editions of various textbooks, including the fourth edition of Breakwell's "Research methods in psychology", the fifth edition of Ogden's "Health psychology", the 8th edition of Taylor's "Health Psychology" and second edition of Richard's "Race, racism and psychology". We also have various new e-book titles. Please follow the link for a full list of all new psychology titles.

All books can be found using Library Search.