Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The new 2012 release of PsycINFO…

…has now gone live on EBSCO. New features include a revised version of the thesaurus (including 73 new terms and 51 new ‘used for’ terms), a new searchable field (grants/sponsorship – enabling you to identify any financial backing behind an article), a new methodology (‘scientific simulation’) and the ability to use PubMed IDs to find many articles. Similar updates to PsycARTICLES should go live very soon.
For further information about any of these features, please contact your Subject Librarian.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Library services during the Olympics...

...were mentioned in a previous post, the key points being that the physical libraries will be closed from 27th July to 12th August (we are open for the rest of the summer), but that all e-resources and help services will remain live throughout. You will also be able to take out up to 25 books, which should hopefully be plenty to keep you going during the two weeks we are closed! The latest information can be found on the 'Library and Olympics' webpage, and there is also a leaflet I have produced aimed specifically at psychology students and staff: Library services for psychology during the Olympic Games.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

New psychology books in Stratford library...

...added to stock during April 2012 can be viewed from this link: April 2012 new books list. Please note that it only lists items purchased for the School of Psychology.
New books this month include Barbara Schneider's "Hearing (our) voices" and Peter Beresford's "A straight talking introduction to being a mental health service user". There is also an e-book version of the brand new 2nd edition of Maree Teesson's "Addictions". Please follow the link for a full list of all new psychology titles.
All books can be found using Library Search.