Thursday, 27 October 2011

Dissertation Abstracts International...

…is a publication you may come across through certain databases (e.g. EBSCO PsycINFO) or search engines like Google. It is an index of dissertations and theses published in North America (i.e. the USA and Canada). We do not have access to DAI at UEL, as it is extremely difficult to obtain the full-text of the theses found on it. If you do wish to get hold of something you find on DAI, then our main suggestion is to track down the author and / or their university department to see if they are able to provide you with a copy. British dissertations and theses are much easier to obtain – simply access the free-to-use EThOS website.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Visual search on EBSCO databases…

…may prove to be a very helpful tool if you are a visual learner. The option can be found beneath the main search box in any EBSCO database (such as PsycINFO). To make the most of it, I would suggest starting with a very simple search (e.g. interpersonal relationships) and following the screens from there. The way it works, is that it picks up the most common terms related to your search and presents them in a visual list. You click on one of these (e.g. ‘attachment behavior’) and it then presents you with another list, this time of the most common terms within the results for that phrase. You can keep clicking on these terms until you hone it down to exactly what you are looking for. At each stage the trail you have following is displayed visually, so you can backtrack and take alternative routes. If that all sounds a bit complex, then please give it a go – it is much easier to use than it is to explain!!!

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Psychological image collection...

…is a free set of images made available by University of Stirling for use in psychology research projects. It is available at the following web address:

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

New psychology books in Stratford library...

...added to stock during September 2011 can be viewed from this link: September 2011 new books list. Please note that it only lists items purchased for the School of Psychology.
We have quite a few new books in stock this month, including various positive psychology titles, such as Fredrickson's "Positivity", Snyder's "Positive psychology (2nd edition)" and Carr's "Positive psychology (2nd edition)". Other brand new titles include, "Psychology for medicine" by Susan Ayers, "Coaching and mentoring at work" by Mary Connor and the 3rd edition of Walliman's "Your research project". New e-books include "A guide to task analysis" and Seligman's "Authentic happiness". A full list of all titles can be seen from the link above.
All books, including e-books, can be found using the library catalogue.