Friday, 30 September 2011

The Info Skills website... the library's assignment support tool, designed to guide you through the basics of identifying, finding, evaluating and referencing information. Having launched it earlier this year, we are now keen to hear your views. So please let us know what you think about Info Skills by completing the evaluation form.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Friends of the Library... a new group open to all UEL students. If you want a say in improving the library and helping test new products and services, then go to the Friends of the Library page on the website to sign up!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Psychology dictionaries and thesauri...

…are excellent places to look for definitions of unfamiliar terminology. However, have you also considered their use in finding background information, and associated terms and topics, for key concepts? Take the ‘Encyclopaedic dictionary of psychology’, for example, which we have available as a reference book in Stratford Library and online as an e-book, via the library catalogue. The field of ‘cognitive psychology’ has its own section, with a definition of the field and of all the main terms associated with it. One such term is ‘amnesia’, which it defines, links to other psychological concepts and then explains the main issues which surround it (e.g. “One often overlooked problem is that memory impairment can result in marked emotional difficulties and severe disruption of everyday life” (page 125)).
The library at UEL has many psychology dictionaries and thesauri, including some new ones purchased during Summer 2011. These new additions to stock include: ‘Cambridge dictionary of psychology’, ‘Corsini encyclopedia of psychology (4th edition)’, ‘Encyclopedia of positive psychology’, ‘Encyclopedia of educational psychology’ and the aforementioned ‘Encyclopaedic dictionary of psychology’. There are also many longstanding titles such as, ‘Penguin dictionary of psychology’, ‘Student’s dictionary of psychology’, ‘Biographical dictionary of psychology’ and Kazdin’s ‘Encyclopedia of psychology’, to name but a few. A growing number are available as e-books through the library catalogue.

Friday, 2 September 2011

New psychology books in Stratford library...

...added to stock during August 2011 can be viewed from this link: August 2011 new books list. Please note that it only lists items purchased for the School of Psychology.
 We have brand new editions of several major textbooks this month. These include the 5th edition of Christine Dancey's "Statistics without maths for psychology", the 3rd edition of Frederick Toates' "Biological psychology" and the 3rd edition of Bartol's "Introduction to forensic psychology". We also have a few new reference titles, including "Corsini's encyclopedia of psychology (4th edition)" and "The encyclopaedic dictionary of psychology". Other new titles include Morris Eagle's "From classical to contemporary psychoanalysis" and Donaldson's "Applied positive psychology". We also have quite a few new e-books. Check out the link above to see a full list of all titles.
 All books, including e-books, can be found using the library catalogue.