…are now available on all EBSCO databases, including PsycINFO. Simply select the ‘Languages’ menu from the top right of the screen and choose your language. Everything within EBSCO (except, unfortunately, the article records themselves) will then be translated, making searching much easier, if English is not your first language.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
New books in the library...
...added to stock during the month of July 2011 can be viewed from this link: July 2011 new books list. Please note that it only lists items purchased for the School of Psychology.
Quite a few new books this month, with the usual mixture of brand new titles, new editions and additional copies of popular titles. We also have quite a few new e-books. Check out the link above to see a full list of all titles.
All books, including e-books, can be found using the library catalogue.
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