…is easy when you know how (but then again, isn’t everything!). Make sure you know how by following the simple steps below.
1) Check UEL’s online journals collection (most of our journals are online).
a) Go to the
library catalogue (http://primo.uel.ac.uk), and click on ‘
A-Z Journals' (near the top right hand corner).
b) In the window which pops up, type in the name of the journal the article was published in e.g. British Journal of Psychology.
c) If the journal appears in the results list then click on its name. If not, then skip to section 2.
d) The next window tells you the years available online e.g. ‘Available from 1975’. If this covers the year your article was published, then enter the article details (year, volume, issue, start page), and click on 'Go' to be taken to the article online. You may be asked to enter your
Athens username and password.
2) Check UEL’s print journals collection (if not online, then we may have the journal in hard copy in the library).
a) Go to the
library catalogue (http://primo.uel.ac.uk), and click on ‘
Advanced Search’.
b) From the ‘Material Type’ drop-down list, choose ‘Journals’.
c) Enter the name of the journal (not the article) in the search box. Click Go.
d) If the journal appears in the results list, click on its name to open its full catalogue record.
e) Scroll down to the bottom of the catalogue record and click on the link under ‘availability and location’. Check the ‘summary holdings’ in the next window to see what years we hold in hard copy in the library e.g. ‘1904-1974’.
3) Make use of other libraries
If you cannot find the article in either UEL’s online journals collection or print collection, then you will need to make use of other libraries. You can do this by either
visiting another library or by checking your eligibility to place an
Inter-Library Loan request.