Tuesday 8 June 2010

A bit of light relief...

…and maybe a few interesting insights, too, are just what's required as the exam season draws to a close. The recently televised BBC Big Personality Test has so far had well over 200,000 participants in its online test. Clearly people enjoy doing these things and ‘finding out’ something about themselves in the process. Well, either that, or they want to ‘confirm’ their own beliefs about themselves e.g. that they really are an extrovert / a hypochondriac / 'conscientious' / 'agreeable' or whatever it might be.

If you enjoy doing these tests (and I must admit to being rather partial myself), then why not check out the following website: TESTdex.com. I have no idea about the scientific basis of these free tests, so wouldn’t recommend using them in your studies, but for a bit of time out, why not give one or two (or three or four!) a go? Who knows, you might even find inspiration in them...

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